John Addley Ltd is a member of the British Safety Council
[ Membership Number 145464-BSC ]
John Addley Ltd are committed to working towards Health, Safety and Environmental Best Practice.
Company Responsibilities
We are satisfied that establishing and enforcing the appropriate measures to control and monitor Health and Safety procedure is a vital part of running the business as an efficient and successful operation. To this end we will:
Ensure that plant and working practices are safe and offer no risk to health. |
Ensure that all necessary precautions are taken in respect of the safe use, handling, storage and transport of materials and substances. |
Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees. |
Maintain all places of work, equipment and transport under our control in a safe condition, free from risk to health. |
Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of employees. |
Safeguard the health and safety of visitors and of any members of the general public who could be affected by our activities. |
Provide all necessary information relating to health and safety in respect of processes, products and services. |
Review and update the policy as and when necessary particularly in respect of major changes within the company and/or changes in legislation and to bring these changes to the attention of all the employees. |